Wednesday, 22 January 2025

How to Bypass Microsoft Account Sign-in and Setup Windows 11 without Internet - ITSolution4U

We are facing problems in insert or embed an Outlook mail with Symbol in Excel. So, How to resolve it?

You can see below image that you will purchase new laptop.

We provide step-by-step solutions as per below.

Step-1: First of all when you can see above screen press key from keyboard Shift+F10. and you can see command prompt.

Step-2: Now, Type command as per below

net user ITSolution4U /add

net user localgroup administrators ITSolution4U /add

Note: You can create user as per your requirment replace to ITSolution4U.

Step-3: Now perform below command

cd oobe

msoobe.exe && shutdown -r

Now, Your system will restarted and login new user automatically.

Note: If You will want to more information, Please mail me on "
           You can also WhatsApp me on my contact number +91 9824974641.

How to Bypass Microsoft Account Sign-in and Setup Windows 11 without Internet - ITSolution4U

We are facing problems in insert or embed an Outlook mail with Symbol in Excel. So, How to resolve it? You can see below image that you will...