There are following steps perform:
Step 1: Open excel file that have data.
Step 2: Press on Keyboard ALT+F11
Step3: Now, You can see new window.
Step4: Go on Insert-Module.
Step5: Copy and Paste below code on Module1 form.
Function Remove(Str As String) As String
'UPDATE BY ITSolution44U
Dim xChars As String
Dim I As Long
xChars = "/.',#$%@!()^*&\-+*"
For I = 1 To Len(xChars)
Str = Replace$(Str, Mid$(xChars, I, 1), "")
Remove = Str
End Function
Step6: Then save and exit.
Step7: Now, You can get new function 'remove'
It's use like as =remove(a1)
Step 1: Open excel file that have data.
Step 2: Press on Keyboard ALT+F11
Step3: Now, You can see new window.
Step4: Go on Insert-Module.
Step5: Copy and Paste below code on Module1 form.
Function Remove(Str As String) As String
'UPDATE BY ITSolution44U
Dim xChars As String
Dim I As Long
xChars = "/.',#$%@!()^*&\-+*"
For I = 1 To Len(xChars)
Str = Replace$(Str, Mid$(xChars, I, 1), "")
Remove = Str
End Function
Step6: Then save and exit.
Step7: Now, You can get new function 'remove'
It's use like as =remove(a1)