Many followers and friends told me for this solutions.
There are following steps for that
Step-1: Check your bios setting. Check your SATA option "AHCI Mode". No resolved using this solution, perform following steps.
Step-2: It's automatically diagnosing your PC. Then appear "Automatic Repair" Screen. Please click on "Advanced Option"
Step-3: Click on "Command Prompt" option. When use this option you will get command prompt.
Step-4: Go to C: drive using "C:" command.
Step-5: Now, We can backup some files using command. Type command "cd windows\system32\config\
Step-6: Now, You can see "RegBack" folder using "dir" command.
Step-7: Here, old system files appear, if you will open it.
Step-8: First of all copies all "config folder files". So use following command
md regback_t
copy *.* c:\windows\system32\config\regback_t
Step-9: Then open directory "RegBack" using "cd RegBack"
Step-10: Then type copy *.* c:\windows\system32\config\
Step-11: When ask for overwrite type 'Y'.
Note: If You will want to more information, Please mail me on ""