We faced problem when removed pst file that time we have bak file of outlook file. We can easily restore using bak, if we have.
There are following steps "How to covert outlook bak file to pst file.
Step-1: First of Open Windows Explorer.
Step-2: Click on View Menu.
Step-3: Click on Option Menu.
Step-4: You can see below windows.
Step-5: Click on View tab.
Step-6: Uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types"
Step-7: Find .bak file from your storage data, if you have.
Step-8: Right click on .back file same below picture.
Step-9: Click on "Rename" option.
Step-10: Remove bak and type pst.
Step-11: Click on Yes button.
Step-12: Now, You can see pst file. You can attached pst or import in outlook.
Note: If You will want to more information, Please mail me on "info@itsolution4u.in