We are facing problem when connecting with shared printer to any client pc "Windows couldn't connect to the printer. Check the printer name and try again. if this is a network printer, make sure that the printer is turned on, and that the printer address is correct."
We can resolve this error as per below steps.
Step:1 - First of all check firewall in both pc. If firewall is on, Please turn off in both PC.
Step:2 - Please check antivirus firewall in both pc. If firewall is on, Please turn off in both PC.
Step:3 - Now, check. If not working please check by host name as per below.
Step:4 - Please run menu. type "\\server". as per below image.
Step:5 - Now, problem is resolve 100%.
Note: If You will want to more information, Please mail me on "info@itsolution4u.in