Sunday, 13 August 2023

How To Change Device Name In Windows 10 - ITSolution4U

We can change device name using PowerShell only. We are trying to cmd and other option but many time only change host name. Following steps perform and resolve issue.

Step 1: Open PowerShell.

Press Windows key + X on your keyboard and select "Windows PowerShell (Admin)" from the menu. This will open PowerShell with administrative privileges.

Step 2:Change Device Name

Type the following command in PowerShell, replacing "New Device Name" with the required you whnt to device name

Command: Rename-Computer -NewName "New Device Name" -Restart

We want to change name from desktop to ITSolution4U command is: 

Rename-Computer -NewName "ITSolution4U" -Restart

This command will change the device name and automatically restart your computer to apply the changes.

Step 3: After restart your system verify the new device name using following command.

First of open Powershell (Admin)

(Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Name

Now you can see your name will be changed

Note: If You will want to more information, Please mail me on "

How to Bypass Microsoft Account Sign-in and Setup Windows 11 without Internet - ITSolution4U

We are facing problems in insert or embed an Outlook mail with Symbol in Excel. So, How to resolve it? You can see below image that you will...