Sunday, 11 October 2020

How to Exclude Files or Folder using Seqrite EPS Console - ITSolution4U

There are following steps for Exclude Files or Folder that consider virus.

Step-1: Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Security Web Console using Username and Password

Step-2: Go to Settings -> Client Settings -> Scan Settings.

Step-3: Under Exclude File and Folders, Click on Add button.

Step-4: On the Exclude Items, You can select following choice.

 A. Exclude Folder: If you select Exclude Folder, Type folder Path.

 B. Exclude File: If you select Exclude File, type file path with extension.

Step-5: Under Exclude from, Select any one your choice.

-> Known Virus Detection

-> DNAScan

-> Suspcious Packed Files Scan

-> Behaviour Detection

Step-6: To save your setting, Click on Ok button.

Step-7: Click on Save Policy button.

Note: If You will want to more information, Please mail me on ""    

How to Bypass Microsoft Account Sign-in and Setup Windows 11 without Internet - ITSolution4U

We are facing problems in insert or embed an Outlook mail with Symbol in Excel. So, How to resolve it? You can see below image that you will...