There are following steps for solution of "Disable Home screen shortcuts Turn Off"
Many time we faced problem in mobile unused application appear in Home Screen as Shortcuts that you can see in below picture. How to resolve this problem of "Disable app vault option"
Step-1: First of all Open Setting same as below picture.
Step-2: Now, Click on "Home Screen & Recents"
Step-3: Now, You can see "App Vault" option. Please "Turn Off" it.
Step-4: Now, Asking "Turn Off". So, Please click on Turn off button same as below picture.
Note: If You will want to more information, Please mail me on ""
Many time we faced problem in mobile unused application appear in Home Screen as Shortcuts that you can see in below picture. How to resolve this problem of "Disable app vault option"
Step-1: First of all Open Setting same as below picture.
Step-2: Now, Click on "Home Screen & Recents"
Step-3: Now, You can see "App Vault" option. Please "Turn Off" it.
Step-4: Now, Asking "Turn Off". So, Please click on Turn off button same as below picture.
Note: If You will want to more information, Please mail me on ""